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Broken Dreams, Marge Windriver

Broken Dreams
Marge Windriver
ART 132 Visual Concepts 3D Design

untitled, John Powner

John Powner
ART 132 Visual Concepts 3D Design

Reaching Out, Marge WindRiver

Reaching Out
Marge WindRiver
ART 132 Visual Concepts 3D Design

Hungover in Jonestown Makiyah Skyye, Phillips

Hungover in Jonestown
Makiyah Skyye Phillips
ART 132 Visual Concepts 3D Design

Cloud Monster, Kala Stallings

Cloud Monster
Kala Stallings
ART 132 Visual Concepts 3D Design

untitled, Destiny Biby
Destiny Biby
ART 132 Visual Concepts 3D Design