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Pumpkins, Renee Zink
Renee Zink
ART 121 Drawing I

The Middle Child
Olivia Tracy
ART 121 Drawing I

Acacia Alexander-Teel
ART 121 Drawing I

Court Jester, Lillian Skjold
Court Jester
Lillian Skjold
ART 121 Drawing I

Marbles, Destiny Biby
Destiny Biby
ART 221 Drawing II

untitled, Mason Stevens
Mason Stevens
ART 221 Drawing II

Spooky Still Life, Acacia Alexander-Teel
Spooky Still Life
Acacia Alexander-Teel
ART 121 Drawing I

Masksks, Renee Zink
Renee Zink
ART 121 Drawing I

Building Blocks, Isaiah Marquez
Building Blocks
Isaiah Marquez
ART 121 Drawing I

Stingray Shadow, Diego Cruz
Stingray Shadow
Diego Cruz
ART 121 Drawing I

Humpty, Renee Zink
Renee Zink
ART 121 Drawing I

Cheese and Pastrami Sandwich, Gabriel Refice
Cheese and Pastrami Sandwich
Gabriel Refice
ART 121 Drawing I

Memorial to Miura, Jonah Croll
Memorial to Miura
Jonah Croll
ART 121 Drawing I

Still Life, Acacia Alexander-Teel
Still Life
Acacia Alexander-Teel
ART 121 Drawing I

Fragments of Display, David Hatton
Fragments of Display
David Hatton
ART 121 Drawing I

Black and White Stillness, Hunter Sandstrom
Black and White Stillness
Hunter Sandstrom
ART 121 Drawing I

Everything but the Kitchen Sink, Heather Cooper
Everything but the Kitchen Sink
Heather Cooper
ART 121 Drawing I

Shadows and Shapes, Victoria Cotrell
Shadows and Shapes
Victoria Cotrell
ART 121 Drawing I

Backyard Getaway, Travis Cooper
Backyard Getaway
Travis Cooper
ART 121 Drawing I

untitled, Taylor Richardson
Taylor Richardson
ART 121 Drawing I

Me, In Lesser Glory, Barbara Ranson
Me, In Lesser Glory
Barbara Ranson
ART 121 Drawing I